Urgent help or an emergency situation?

Do you need urgent help from the police? Call 101.
Do you need urgent medical help or the fire department? Call 112.
Both numbers are available 24/7.

Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW)

The Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW) helps people with all their questions and problems related to their welfare. A difficult relationship. Personal difficulties. Legal problems. Problems in your family or relatives. The CAW also offers help to victims and perpetrators of violence and abuse.

Call, email or chat with the CAW or visit a CAW near you: https://www.caw.be/contacteer-ons/


Nupraatikerover.be is a chatbox for minors who have questions about, or are victims of, abuse, neglect or sexual violence.
More info and opening hours available on the website.


Young people can go to the JAC with questions about sexuality, relationships, your rights and obligations, personal, financial or material problems, leisure activities, etc. Their website helps you find a JAC near you. You can also chat online with a JAC staff member.

Stop it Now!

Stop it Now! is a helpline that offers support to people who are worried about their own sexual feelings or behaviour towards minors and their loved ones.
You can call, email and chat with the helpline.
More info and opening hours available on stopitnow.be

Zelfmoordlijn 1813 (suicide helpline)

Are you considering suicide? Does suicide still seem like the only solution? The expert volunteers of Zelfmoordlijn 1813 will listen to your story. You can call (24/7), chat or email. More info available on zelfmoord1813.be

Child Focus

Child Focus is a helpline that aims to address and prevent the disappearance and sexual exploitation (both offline and online) of children. Child Focus also works on a safe internet for children. You can contact Child Focus at the free number 116000 (available 24/7). More info available on childfocus.be


Do you have a problem? Talk to a Tele-Onthaal volunteer. Call anonymously and free of charge to 106 (available 24/7) or chat via www.tele-onthaal.be.


Awel listens to all children and young people with a question, a story, a problem. When you contact Awel, a volunteer will listen to you. You can reach Awel by phone (102), email, chat and a forum on their website. More info and opening hours available on awel.be

Recognition and Mediation Commission for Victims of Historical Abuse

The Recognition and Mediation Commission for Victims of Historical Abuse (in Dutch: Erkennings- en Bemiddelingscommissie voor slachtoffers van historisch misbruik) aims to give victims the opportunity to receive recognition for what has been done to them. Both victims of violence and abuse within organisations and in the private sphere can appeal to the commission. The abuse must be at least 10 years old. More info can be found on comeb.be

Self-help group

Are you looking for a self-help group or contact with fellow sufferers? The website www.zelfhulp.be can help you.

Ecoute Violences Conjugales

Francophone helpline in Brussels and Wallonia. People with questions about domestic violence and partner violence can call the free number "Ecoute Violences Conjugales" 0800/30.030 active in French-speaking Belgium. For more information and opening hours: https://www.ecouteviolencesconjugales.be/

Meldpunt Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag

The ‘Meldpunt Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag’ (Hotline for Transgressive behaviour) of the Flemish Justice and Enforcement Agency is for people who experienced transgressive behaviour in a sports club, university, theatre company, production house, socio-cultural association or any other Flemish sector or organisation. People who know someone who has been the victim of transgressive behaviour can also contact the Hotline for advice or guidance. More information and opening hours are available at vlaanderen.be